
June 03, 2014

Favorite Color Tools for Google Chrome

Is there anything better than a little tool that makes life easier? No! There isn't. So here is a little list of some of my very favorite tools for creating, saving, choosing, and playing with colors in Google Chrome. I could not do half of what I do without these little helpers. I use them almost daily and they deserve a full blown post. So here goes!

Palette for Chrome 

First up, one of my secret weapons (it's not really a secret) Palette for Chrome. This one is so easy and amazing, it's a must-have.
Using the Google Chrome extension Palette for Chrome color tool
Right click any image to bring up the Palette for Chrome options.
Palette for Chrome gives you the ability to right click on any image and instantly create a color palette. You can choose the number of colors you want, and it provides both the hex #'s and the RGB values.

Palette for Chrome sample palette
Instant color palette! 
I often use it right in Pinterest, copy the hex number, paste it into Photoshop and create color swatches for most of my work that way. I have zero issues with this extension. Love it!
Palette for Chrome color tool extension


Huey is an absolutely essential Chrome app for me. It's sort of like an easier, more convenient, personal version of ColourLovers. Huey is also 100% usable while offline. 
Saved colors in Huey app for Google Chrome
My currently saved colors in Huey.
Once inside, you can create your own colors and then save them for later. It's easy, very reliable, and has become a tool that I use constantly. 
Custom color created in Huey app for Google Chrome
A custom green color I created in Huey. Just click the star to add a color to your favorites.
Before Huey, I just wrote Hex codes on whatever paper was closest to me and then I'd inevitably lose it. Not anymore. Life is much better with Huey. One caveat: I wish it was easier to select the hex codes for copying and pasting. Currently you have to select the color from your saved ones, and then wrestle about in order to properly select the text to be copied. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. But it's not that big of a deal. It still works, and I would be sad without it!
I actually feel silly even mentioning Colorzilla. Is there anyone out there who doesn't already have it? It is the ultimate color tool. 
Using the color picker in Colorzilla for Google Chrome
Colorzilla color picker in-use
Colorzilla has a little eyedropper that lets you select any color on any page and automatically copies the hexcode to your clipboard. Awesome. Even better, it keeps a history of recently picked colors, which I often refer to. 
Webpage color analyzer tool in Colorzilla for Google Chrome
The colorzilla css color  analyzer in-use on the Martha Stewart website
My favorite part of Colorzilla is the webpage color analyzer. It will list all of the hex codes used in the css of any website. Yes!


This last one isn't actually an app or extension for Chrome, but it is a very important part of my color arsenal, so it just felt weird not including it in this list. It's a very simple website called 0to255, developed by Shaun Chapman. I have no idea how I found it, but I've been using it for a few years now, and it has become so useful!
Choosing colors on the 0to255 website
Useful color shades at
Let's say you're using a certain color, and you need the same color just a shade lighter or darker. Here comes your friend 0to255. Type in the hex code, and up comes every shade of your color from white to black. Click on a color, and it will automatically be copied to your clipboard. Thank you  Shaun Chapman and your 0to255 for making my life easier. :D

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